Monday, May 14, 2012

Rebecca's Group's Turbine

1) Our rotors made out of playing cards worked better than our ones made out of feathers. The reason for this is because the cards were sturdier and so held wind/air pressure better to cause it to turn without bending or letting air pass through. Therefore, our playing card rotors produced more power than the feathers.

2) Max output difference (spreadsheet) between ours and top

3) Our card model had some limitations. First limitation was that it was short so it couldn't reach out far and capture more wind or pressure to allow it to move better and faster with more strength. Another problem was that we couldn't curve the rotors to allow them to cup the wind better.
4) How do an airplane and windmill use pressure to fly and rotate?An airplane uses pressure to fly. To do this, it gathers a lot of speed using Bernoulli's principle of an increase in speed of a fluid decreases pressure. In saying this, the faster a plane goes the less pressure there is keeping it down allowing it to rise up with little resistance. The windmill uses pressure to rotate by having it press against its rotors not just to glance off but to force movement and create a rotation.

5) The rotors had to be tilted in order to catch the wind. If the rotors were to remain straightir pressure and force of wind would just slide right over and off. Because of the tilt, part of the pressure was captured and able to turn the blades.

6) The rotors of a windmill and sails of a sailboat are similar in using the same principal as they both use wind and air pressure to move and operate. Wind is captured on rotors to create a thrust to move the rotors in a circular motion to create energy. Sails take the wind and use it to thrust up against it allowing the force to move the object forward. So, they both use pressure to move. 

Windmill Questions

1)Which rotor had the most power and why?
The rotor that worked the best was the one that was made out if milk jug, we got it to work then it didn't work at all when we added weights, so we tried bending the wings all in the same directions a it worked great!
2)What was different about the design with the most out put?

3)What are the limitations of the model?
The limitations are that the milk jug was flimsy and kinda moved, also it didn't catch a ton of wind it caught enough