Thursday, February 2, 2012

What I've learned..

What I have learned through out this unit about cancer, is that malignant mean cancerous, and benign means non cancerous, I have also learn a lot about many different cancers like; Lung Cancer, Colon Cancer, Skin Cancer, an that's just a few. Also I learnd that metastasis mean the spreading from one area of the body to another, for example If you have lung cancer that is in you lungs there is a chance of it moving from your lungs to another area of the body. Another thing I have learned was that everybody has cancer cells in them, and that you family history and diet can effect the risk factor for cancer. Some of the thing in this unit that I liked a lot were the assignment of 1 cancer to research, and getting to work with my classmates. Some of the things that I didn't like were the assignments of certain jobs for your cancer, because it was very easy to get your mixed up with other peoples and when we where presenting I believe it confused the audience because when I was listening to other groups I was getting lost. A couple of questions that I didn't get answered were Q: what makes different cancers differnent than one another? And Q: how can a healthy diet make your chances of cancer decrease? I really enjoyed this unit I felt like I knew exactly what was going on all the time!!

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