Thursday, September 29, 2011

Experiment: Runoff

Hypothesis: I believe that when the lake overflows that it will runoff and form into little rivers and then runoff and make another lake.

Set up: First we put diatomaceous earth in a tub, then added water and mixed. Then we scooped out a little hole in the middle of the diatomaceous earth then put a cup in the middle of the scooped out hole then build around it and then pulled the cup out. Then we poured water to hole even with the rim.

Experiment: We poured water in slowly and it didnt do anything. Then we filled the graduated cylinder with more water and poured it at a faster pace. Then it started to see that it was overflowing and it branched off and then ran off to the outside of the of the tub.

Conclusion: Are concluuton was that if it rains a ton it will overflow and runoff into a lake, but if it doesnt rain a ton it wont overflow and make river.

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