Friday, September 23, 2011

Making River

In our class room we were paired up into groups. The project was to learn how rivers are formed. We exaimed diatomaceous earth, made hypothesis, and saw the results of our experiment. We came up with some solutions on how rivers could form from things that we do in our every day life or things around us. Mrs. Sorensen listed on the board a great amount of solutions. We had to pick two, one that will be easy to test and another one that might give us a little challenge. My group choose eriosons and animal tracks.

We tested the erison first.
My hypothesis was:
The water coming from a fast down motion will make a small river in the diatomaceous earth.

How we set it up: We drained out the extra water in the diatomaceous earth, patted it down(so that it is even), and leveled it up with a book. We poured in a small amount of water slowly and it created a small river the move water and faster you poured in the bigger and wider the river got.

The second one we tested was the animal tracks.
My hypothesis was:
Animals when they constantly go back and fourth to a river that their foot prints will leave tracks and the water will build up and form.

How we set up:
We sat it up just like the erioson experiment but instead of just pouring the water in right away. we used our fingers to make tracks, and slowly poured water over them. The water didn't develop in a river yet. We added more tracks closer together. We poured some more water over the new tracks and the river was created.

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