Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cancer Project

5 of the thinks i learned while doing this project are:
  • That not all tumors are cancerous. Sometimes normal cells can grow but they aren't cancerous.
  • The words benign and malignant and there meanings. Benign means a noncanerous tumor, malignant means a cancerous tumor.
  • How the cancer can spread throughout the body by getting into the blood stream.
  • What radiation therapy is and how it works.
  • What triggeres cancer to grow and how your lifestyle can effect you.
2 questions that i have are:
  • Can you or do you have to get noncancerous tumor removed?
  • Can you get a cancerous tumor on top of a noncancerous tumor?
I am interested in becoming a pharmacist or something in the medical field so i really enjoyed my job as the Pharmacologist.

One think i didn't like about this project is finding out that everything we do basically can trigger cancer cells in our body to react.  

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