Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The five things I have learned from our cancer project/webquest are:

  1. There are more than just cancer tumor. If its Malignant, it is cancerous, if its benign, its not cancerous.

  2. When you have cancer, you can't necessarily just remove it, you have to treat it. If its benign, then you can just remove it.

  3. I learned that Chemotherapy is more than just a common cancer treatment that makes you sick. You have to take an oral medication that kills both healthy cells and cancerous cells.

  4. I learned what metastasis is. Its when the cancerous cells spread from areas apart from where the inital cancer started.

  5. The final thing I learned is that if you are battling cancer, you will be in a much better position if you stay active and make sure you eat healthy. If you eat fatty foods, your body won't be strong enough to fight the cancer off.

One question of mine that wasn't answered was why cancer can be so deadly. Its only a bunch of cells gone wrong. Can't you just remove them and let your body continue mitosis with healthy cells? I guess I just don't get it.

I liked that we could learn about cancer a little more in depth, because all I really knew about it prior to the lesson was that it took many lives every year, and that depending on the cancer, there are a lot of people diagnosed with the many types of cancer.

I didn't like the fact that we had to present it all to the class in a group. Because when we got to the test, our pharmocologist hadn't done his job, so I didn't know too much about what treatment could be done or what the specific side effects were.

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